Thursday, July 9, 2009

Instant Social Networking Chemistry

Gain Instant Social Networking Chemistry
By Linda Hembry

Okay you’re on all the trendy social network sites you’ve got a profile and a few followers, now what? How do you connect with others? How do you gain instant social networking chemistry? Virtual chemistry defies the age old law that opposites attract. Instead it says, like attracts like. Scientists have defined chemistry as the reaction between [people] with their accompanying energy exchange. People like people who are like themselves. Here are a few quick tips that will help you gain instant virtual chemistry on social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and others.

1. Search for people that have similar interests as yours and connect with them and their friends or followers. Remember likes attract like. Let’s say that you’re a cycling enthusiast and your favorite cyclist is Lance Armstrong. Search social network sites for Lance Armstrong fans or maybe even his page. Someone famous, like Lance Armstrong, will likely have thousands of other cycling enthusiasts for you to gain instant chemistry on the basis of your interest in cycling alone.

2. Be Selfless- Think of others interests before your own. People are drawn to givers, not takers. Let’s be honest, there are a lot of social network junkies that are self focused and more concerned about their own interests than others. Stand out from the countless social networkers strictly pushing their own agenda by being genuinely interested in others . Your friends and followers will feel connected to you, when you comment on something that is important to them.

3. Always post a relatable picture on your profile page. One of my pet peeves is when people have a profile picture with the site’s gender silhouette. I call these ghost pictures. Ghost pictures are like blind dates-scary. Come on folks, what are you hiding? Put your picture, logo or an image up so that someone can relate to you. A picture says a thousand words. For chemistry sake, a picture of yourself is better than a logo or a visual image of a landscape or something. People relate to people, not ghost pictures or landscapes. Logos are okay, but personally, I think they are only meaningful when they belong to large corporations that nearly everyone recognizes. If you are a small business trying to brand your company and connect with people, your personal brand will be far more indelible in the minds of potential customers much sooner than your company logo.

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